Records of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration [LEAA]

Established: In the Department of Justice by the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (82 Stat. 197), June 19, 1968.

Predecessor Agencies: Office of Law Enforcement Assistance, Department of Justice (1965-68)

Functions: Administered grants to government agencies, educational institutions, and private organizations to improve law enforcement.

Abolished: By failure of appropriations, April 15, 1982.

Successor Agencies: Office of Justice Assistance, Research, and Statistics (1982-84); Office of Justice Programs (1984- ).

Finding Aids: Preliminary inventory in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

423.2 Records of the Office of Law Enforcement Assistance

History: Established within the Office of the Attorney General, Department of Justice, by the Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-197) on September 22, 1965. Through the administration of grants and other programs, the OLEA sought to improve methods of law enforcement, court administration, and prison operations at state and local levels. The functions of the OLEA were transferred to the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, established June 19, 1968, by Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1965-68.

423.3 Records of the Office of the Administrator

Textual Records: Records accumulated by Richard W. Velde (LEAA Deputy Administrator, 1969-74, and Administrator, 1974-77), including subject files, 1969-72; records relating to government agencies and nonpublic organizations, 1970-71; records concerning Operation Search, the development of an electronic analysis and retrieval system for criminal histories, 1969-73; legislative files, 1967-73; records relating to the Office of Law Enforcement Programs (OLEP), 1969-72; records concerning privacy and security matters, 1971-77; speech files, 1969-71; and miscellaneous office files, 1967-77.

423.4 Records of the Office of Administration

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1968-71.

423.4.1 Records of the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

History: Established June 19, 1968, to develop new techniques and systems to strengthen law enforcement and criminal justice. The Institute made grants to public agencies, colleges and universities, and private organizations; and conducted studies and research in corrections, criminology, police science, public administration, and law. By 1974, the Institute also served as a national and international clearinghouse for the exchange of criminal justice information. With passage of the Justice System Improvement Act on December 27, 1979, its functions were absorbed by the National Institute of Justice.

Textual Records: Research grant files, 1967-74.

423.4.2 Records of the Office of Public Information and Congressional Liaison

Textual Records: General correspondence and related records, 1965-70.

423.4.3 Records of the Office of Civil Rights

Textual Records: Compliance review files, 1972-76.

423.4.4 Records of the Office of Operations Support

Textual Records: Directives, 1968-73.

423.5 Records of the Kansas City Regional Office

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Directives case files, 1974-77.

423.6 Records OF the Philadelphia Regional Office

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Program correspondence of the Office of the Regional Director, 1974-76. Press releases, 1975-76.

423.7 Records of the National Advisory Commission on Criminal
Justice Standards and Goals

History: Established October 21, 1971, by the Department of Justice, with funding by the LEAA. Adjourned January 23, 1973.

Textual Records: Correspondence, minutes of meetings, position papers, and reports on the improvement of the criminal justice system, 1971-74.

Sound Recordings: Radio interview with Rev. Elmer Prenzlow, commission member, January 21, 1973 (1 item).

423.8 Sound Recordings (General)

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.