Understanding the Most Favored Nation Clause

Your Most Favored Nation can Help or Hurt You. Learn about Most Favored Nation (MFN) clauses and how to use one <a href=for your business." width="300" height="300" />

The “Most Favored Nation” or “MFN” clause, in business parlance, most often refers to a risk mitigating technique whereby a contracting party is guaranteed to get the best deal available, now and in the future. What it means is “we’ll enter into this deal now, but if I give a better deal to someone else, you’ll get the same deal.” Today’s post will discuss the application and crafting of a “Most Favored Nation” clause.

Background of “Most Favored Nation”

MFN clauses are found in consultant agreements, entertainment agreements, investment agreements, amongst others; however, most parties to such contracts are not “Nations.” Why then is the clause called “Most Favored Nation”? “Most Favored Nation” is a term rooted in international relations, and MFN treatment refers to a country’s guarantee that it would grant the same privileges and immunities it has accorded to its most favored nation to another country. The MFN clause was the part of a treaty that set forth such a guarantee in writing.

One of the most predominant uses of MFN treatment was in the realm of trade relations, and today, it serves as a cornerstone of international trade. The 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1947) is an important multilateral trade treaty between nations. Under Article I of GATT 1947, titled “General Most-Favored-Nation Treatment,” when a country grants benefits to another country, with regard to customs duties and other charges connected with the importing and export of a particular good, the country had to immediately and unconditionally grant all countries that were party to GATT 1947 the same benefits. The principle behind Article I was to prevent discrimination of goods based on national origin. Thus, both a designer handbag made in Brazil and one made in France, when imported into the United States, would have the same customs duty rate.

GATT 1947 was terminated with the founding of the World Trade Organization, and has been terminated and superseded by GATT 1994, one of the main treaties of the World Trade Organization system, and Article I of both GATT 1947 and 1994 are essentially the same.

Applications of “Most Favored Nation”

Since its inception in GATT 1947, MFN has crossed borders from the international trade arena into the world of business. Outside the realm of international law and relations, MFN clauses most commonly serve two purposes: (1) to bolster or preserve relationships with important customers, clients or vendors, and (2) to provide some assurances to early risk takers.

The idea behind MFN in the bolstering or preserving goodwill is quite self-explanatory. It makes sense that a customer purchasing the largest volume of a product should not be paying more per product than anyone purchasing a smaller volume. Likewise, if a party is the sole source of intellectual property required to manufacture a product, it also makes sense that the party should not be paying more for the product than anyone else. It should be emphasized, however, that just because something makes sense, does not mean that it is non-negotiable.

Regarding MFN in the early risk taker context, the idea is that someone would be more inclined to take a risk if there there is some assurance that the risk taker would not be treated less favorably in the future. This has a wide range of applications, including investment, consultant, and entertainment agreements. Here are some examples:

Drafting a “Most Favored Nations” Clause

The main problem I see when reading MFN clauses is that they often tend to be too vague. MFN clauses can create real problems if not tightly controlled. Even GATT 1994 provides exceptions to MFN treatment. For example, for national security purposes, and regional trade agreements (yes, some nations can get more favorable treatment than the most favored nation). Here are some considerations when drafting or negotiating an MFN commitment:

The “Most Favored Nations” clause has an extremely wide range of use, but must be used with a great amount of care. How do you think a MFN clause can be helpful in a transaction?

This blog post is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not legal advice, and should not be a substitute for legal advice. If you have questions or comments about the post, or would like to learn more about something in the post, please feel free to contact me.